Auditory Processing Disorder Specialist in Cape Coral, FL
The ability to process sound is fundamental to speech, hearing, and communications. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is when the ear functions perfectly, and the patient is able to hear sounds well, but is unable to quickly or accurately distinguish between sounds. In other words, APD is not a problem with hearing, but an issue with listening to and comprehending sounds. People with APD can have difficulty differentiating between words that sound similar, which often leads people to think they have a hearing problem.
While the exact cause of APD is still unknown, researchers have noted possible links between APD and premature births, head injuries, or recurring ear infections. Research is also investigating links to autism spectrum disorder, non-verbal learning disabilities, dyslexia, delayed language problems, and other health challenges.
Symptoms of APD

Those who have APD may:
- Seem like they have hearing loss even if their hearing is normal.
- Have difficulty with reading and spelling in spite of high intelligence.
- Become distracted by background noises.
- Have problems following directions, especially multi-step instructions.
- Ask people to repeat themselves often.
- Seem confused by what is expected of them.
- Startle easily when there are loud sounds.
Diagnosing APD
Treating APD
APD is usually addressed through a program of treatments customized to the specific needs of the patient. Treatments are designed to: