Women with hearing loss laughing on park bench.

That hearing loss can impact your brain has been confirmed in multiple studies. (Just take a look at some of our past blog posts.) Fortunately, it’s also been verified that you can restore some of that cognitive capacity through hearing aids.

This is not saying that hearing aids are in some manner going to make you more intelligent. But there’s some compelling research that suggests cognitive ability can be increased by wearing hearing aids lowering your risk for depression, dementia, and anxiety.

Your Brain is in Charge of a Significant Amount of Your Hearing

It’s important to recognize how large a part your brain plays in hearing if you are going to comprehend the link between your ears and cognition. It’s the brain’s task to convert sound vibrations into perceptible sound information. So as your hearing diminishes, the regions of your brain that interpret those sounds suddenly have a lot less to do.

Alterations in your brain (and hearing), coupled with other considerations (including social solitude), can trigger the onset of mental health problems. In individuals with untreated hearing loss, it’s not unusual to observe an increase in the chances of anxiety, depression, and dementia.

When you use hearing aids, you’re essentially “treating” your hearing loss. That means:

  • Social isolation will be less likely. You will be more likely to participate with people if you’re able to hear and understand discussions.
  • You can keep your hearing from getting worse by wearing hearing aids together with regular screening.
  • The parts of your brain responsible for hearing will get regular workouts; the more your brain works, the healthier your brain stays.

Staying Attentive

Hearing aids can prevent dementia, anxiety, and depression because they enhance your brain and your social life.

  • Modern technology: Hearing aids have started integrating unique technology that is able to notify emergency contacts (or emergency services) when a person wearing the hearing aids has a fall. This can minimize long lasting injuries and complications though it won’t prevent the fall itself.
  • Increasing awareness: Sometimes, because you’re not mindful of your surroundings, you might have a fall. Diminished hearing ability can significantly lessen your situational awareness. Not only can it be challenging to hear sounds, but it can also be challenging to ascertain what direction sounds are coming from. Without treatment, this can end up causing a fall or injury.
  • The health of your inner ear: Loss of hearing by itself will not trigger inner ear injury. But there is often a common cause for both hearing loss and damage to the inner ear. In some cases, a hearing aid is a component of the treatment program for loss of hearing which can also help inner ear damage.

Actually, you have a higher chance of avoiding a fall when you’re using hearing aids. A hearing aid keeps you more alert, more mindful, and more connected, elevating cognitive capabilities and general health in the process.

Stop Neglecting Your Hearing Aid

None of this has even yet addressed the basic hearing benefits of hearing aids. So when you take that amplified hearing, factor in the mental health benefits and physical well-being, it seems like wearing these devices should be a simple decision (not something you need to put your thinking cap on for).

The problem is that many people don’t know they have hearing loss. When your hearing fades away slowly, you may have a difficult time noticing. That’s the reason why having a normal hearing test is important. A wide range of other health concerns can be exacerbated by hearing loss.

Hearing aids will reduce the possibility of physical damage while helping to slow dementia and depression. Aside from helping your hearing, hearing aids offer a surprising number of benefits.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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